December 8, 1943


S.W. Pacific

Dec. 8, 1943

Dear Mom & Dad –

Well at long last I actually believe I’m going to get around to writing a letter again after a lapse of exactly one month. I hope you don’t think I’ve been purposely neglecting you all that time. Such is not the case. The reason for the long delay is the fact that I have again taken one of those long boat rides.

As you already know from your phone conversation with Mrs. Healy, I’ve been on Quadalcanal. Can’t tell you just where I am now but expect to be able to let out the secret in a couple of weeks. We are again back in civilization - & what a beauty spot it is! You see the division has been sent back from the front for a rest period so it’s only a temporary break – don’t know for how long. I’ll be able to tell you all about this country in a later letter but for now let it suffice that I’m as healthy & happy as possible & having a really swell time.

Will now endeavor to answer some of your letters that have been piling up on me.

Oct 30th letter –

You asked me what became of the previous officers of the 8th Field in the campaign. Most of the same officers are still with the outfit but a few of them have been evacuated to a rear eschelon hospital for malaria or some other sickness. Some of the officers put applications in for the Air Force & have been transferred. Two of our officers have gone that way just since I’ve been in the outfit. This was the letter in which you included Virgy’s wedding invitation (a copy of it – I mean) – later on I got a real one from Esther.

Nov. 3rd letter –

You say you only have 3 gallons of gas per week now. That’s pretty bad however you might be cheered by the fact that the people here only get 2 gallons per month.

Glad to hear that Healy’s sister has called you & given you the lowdown. Don’t believe that business about my coming home – I’m afraid it’ll be the duration plus 6 months or more before I can hang my hat at 4115 again.

We don’t have a radio here & very seldom get a newspaper so don’t keep up with the news very well. No – I didn’t hear any of the rebroadcasted football games.

Haven’t heard a thing from Virgy – how is the young wife getting along?

Nov. 7th –

That snowfall certainly was a mighty one wasn’t it? It made me homesick to read about it & see those pictures of the sidewalk shoveling. Gee whiz – Daddy has all the fun now.

Yes Nancy is still writing to me but not as often as I’d like – I’ll have to get her on the ball. Of course I guess she thinks I’ve forgotten her by now cuz I haven’t written her since a week before my last letter to you. Of course I’m talking about Nancy Fenwick not Nancy Jordan.


It is now 10 P.M. – I’m Officer of the Day tonight so I have to go around now & inspect the guard. Tomorrow I have a special detail to take care of in my Motor officer capacity. Have to get up at 6 A.M. & drive 70 miles in the morning so I guess it would be a good idea for me to get some shut-eye.

I have several more of your letters to answer but if I don’t end this now I won’t be able to write tomorrow & then it’ll be a couple of more days before you hear from me.

Will write again tomorrow night if possible. Hope you haven’t worried about me or had any anxious moments, I’m glad you got the wire anyway – it probably relieved the suspense a little. G’bye for now.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen