June 12, 1945



June 12, 1945

Dear Marion –

It’s a typical “blue-monday” – cloudy and rainy. If you plan to do the washing you better hang it in the basement instead of outdoors. Oh excuse me I forgot you were a working (?) girl.

There are two main topics around the battery these days – “point system” and “relief.” A lot of our boys have been overseas since Pearl Harbor, so their pts. are soaring. We’ll lose about three quarters of our battery one of these sweet days. Maybe you’re wondering how many pts. I have. Well it’s one of those censored topics, but I can say that I have enough to have some hopes anyway. At least it won’t be “Golden Gate in ‘48” like so many of us said when we sailed those many years ago. Remember – it was way back there on Sept. 8, 1943. Gosh, Marion, it’s been 21 months I’ve been away from wine, women, and song. I’m sure you can’t possibly imagine how much I want to hit the road back. The U.S. seems like only a wonderful dream to me, and I know when I first come in sight of those shores again I’ll have to have a large bucket under each eye. Maybe I’ll be disillusioned when I get home – old friends will be married and not around anymore. I hope some of them are unchanged, but I won’t think of those things now. All I want is home.

I haven’t touched on the other Btry topic of discussion, “relief.” Of course rumors float around here thick & fast. One of these days tho we’re going back for a rest. We’ve been on the line now for 5 months & that’s a long long stretch – in fact it’s some kind of a record. We’re certainly due for a break.

I’m still awaiting the “refills” from Winnipeg, & I might add, a letter from you.

The mail orderly is on his way to mail the mail, so guess I’d better say g’bye. Hope you’ll write soon.

Love, Dip

P.S. Wouldn’t it be swell if we could go skiing together next winter?





June 12, 1945

Dear Mom & Dad –

It’s Monday and a typical one too. It’s a cloudy hazy day, one on which you would hang the laundry in the basement instead of out of doors. We’re certainly getting our fill of rain.


Went to church yesterday – we had communion services. I guess maybe it’s a sacrilege but after church the BC & I played a half dozen games of gin-rummy. We play for a peso a game – for awhile I was way behind but it evens up in the end.

I suppose by now that Dot & Arlo have been there, & the sister is probably still with you. Gosh, I wish I could be there to make it a total reunion. You’ll have a picnic with Nancy & Larry.

You probably wonder how I stand on points and will ask about it. I’d like to tell you all about it, but it’s one of those censored topics. However I can say that I’m not too high, but I do have hopes.

The Air Forces are certainly giving the home Nips a working over these days. It would be nice if they’d quit after a few months of that medicine, but I can’t see it. They’re just too fanatical & stubborn. Okanawa looks like past history now – that was a rough battle too.

Swany wrote. He’s now at Randolph Field going to some kind of ground school. He says he doesn’t expect to go across for a little while yet. I hope the lad can sweat it out in the States – I wouldn’t wish “shipping out” on anyone now. That old Golden Gate seems like only a wonderful dream – what a sight it’s going to be. I’m going to have two buckets ready – one under each eye.

Well I’m out of material right now so I’ll close. Hope you are all together and having a good time. Believe I said, this once before – don’t worry ‘bout me.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen